You do a DIY bathroom renovation by first taking out the bathroom fixtures. Doing so will allow you to prepare the area for shower or tub installation and then the flooring.

Renovating bathrooms in this manner will also allow the hanging of plasterboards. From there, you can begin painting the walls and installing the cabinets.

For this blog, we’ll talk about the steps you need to take to complete a DIY bathroom renovation.

Steps to Doing a Bathroom Renovation

These are the steps to perform a bathroom renovation on your own:

Remove Bathroom Fixtures

If you’re gearing up for a bathroom renovation, whether it’s a partial refresh or a complete transformation, the first order of business is to get rid of the plasterboard and any fixtures you’re looking to replace. While gutting the bathroom yourself isn’t overly difficult, following some essential tips is crucial to avoid costly mistakes.

One important step is to consult a bathroom renovation plumber who can help you isolate and safely handle the plumbing aspects. This may involve draining the toilet, removing it, and relocating or adjusting pipes as needed. It’s also wise to reach out to a licensed electrician who can assist in isolating the power and laying down the groundwork for cabling in the new locations.

Set Up New Shower or Tub

Once you’ve completed the gutting phase of your bathroom renovation, it’s time to move on to installing new fixtures. Before you install the new shower, it’s important to address any rotting wood or water damage in the subfloor to prevent future problems. Take care of these issues first to ensure a solid foundation for your new shower.

When choosing a replacement shower or tub, consider both your desired decor and the space in your bathroom. Look for a pan or basin that matches your style preferences and fits your bathroom’s dimensions.

Lay Flooring

With the subfloor prepped and ready, it’s time to start laying down your brand-new flooring. While tiles are a popular choice for bathrooms, there are other cost-effective and DIY-friendly options worth exploring, such as laminate or vinyl.

Use chalk to mark perpendicular reference lines to ensure a clean and precise tile installation. These lines will serve as your guide to ensure tiles are laid evenly during DIY bathroom renovations.

Put Up Plaster and Start Painting

Now it’s time to move on to the next phase of your bathroom renovation: hanging new plasterboard. This step requires some careful cutting to ensure a proper fit around the shower walls, the vanity, and any other features in the room.

Once you start nailing up the boards, the process should go smoothly and swiftly, bringing you closer to the completion of your project.

Install Cabinets and Vanity

With your bathroom walls complete, it’s time to shift your attention to the remaining items on your renovation checklist. Start by installing the vanity, including the sink and faucet. Make sure to connect the drain properly to ensure proper functionality.

Once the vanity is in place, you can move on to other essentials like hanging the mirror, installing cabinets, and adding the finishing touches with trim around the shower or tub area. These final touches will bring your bathroom renovation project closer to the finish line.